PsySR at APA 2018 San Francsico
Located at the Marriott Marquis, San Francisco Room 1078
Presentations by members of Psychologists for Social Responsibility and Division 48-Peace Psychology and Division 32- Society for Humanistic Psychology
Thursday: 8/9/2018
-Daniela Kantorova 08:00 AM – 08:50 AM Moscone Center Rooms 310 and 311 Sponsoring Div.: 48 Session Title: Accompaniment in Times of Terror-Supporting Families Impacted by Police Killings co-presenter; Asantewaa Jordan
-Justin Karter 10 – 10:50 am, Moscone Center/Room 104 Lobby Level-South Building: “Abnormal Psychology, DSM-5, and Diagnostic Alternatives— Critical Analyses and Novel Directions” Divisions 24/32 symposium. Co-presenter:Sarah Kamens
-Ian Hansen, Kiwan Brown, Arielle Lawson 10:00 – 11:00 AM Peace Psychology Suite: Standing Rock “jihadism” vs. The Terrorism of Fossil Fuels
-Daniela Kantorova 11-12:50 Div 56 suite : Conducting Psychological Evaluations of Asylum Seekers co-presenters : Abigail Rich, JD, and Monica Noriega, MA
-Alice LoCicero, facilitator 11 AM – Noon Peace Psychology Hospitality Suite: Help or Surveillance? What Psychologists Should Know About “Terrorism Prevention Partnerships” and “Countering Violent Extremism” Grants and Programs
-Presentation by Tahirah Abdullah, Shannon Al-Wakeel, Sriya Bhattacharyya, Faduma Warsame;
-Brad Olson, Susan Opotow: 12:00 PM – 13:50 PM An Ethics Code in Context—Challenges and Lessons Learned From Social Justice and Community-Based Psychology; Moscone Center Room 158
-Sarah Kamens, Jancis Long, Mary Pelton Cooper, Bradley Olson, Nancy Arvold along with two International presenters; Charles Tauber, M D and Alphonse Meba Kanda, M.D. who will join us online from Eastern Europe and South Africa; Noon – 1 PM Peace Psychology Hospitality Suite. The Accompaniment Work of the Global Psychosocial Network
-Racial Justice Group discussion 4-6 PM PsySR Hospitality Suite
Friday, 8/10
-Alice LoCicero PhD participant and 1st author, 8 -9:50 AM Moscone Center Room 2001: Torture as Truth-Killer—Empirical, Historical, and Psycho-Philosophical Reflections; Mary Pelton Cooper, PsyD; Witch Hunts and Wars That Target Human Groups: A History of Panic and Distortion
-Bennett T. Callaghan, BA; Torture Is Punishment: Punitive Concerns Motivate Torture Support More Than Truth-Seeking
-Ian G. Hansen, PhD: The Stark Conceptual Gap Between Hypothetical Torture and Real Torture
The PsySREnvironmental Psychology Action Group will be meeting with Division 34 Society for Environmental Population & Conservation Psychology in the PsySR Suite Marriott Marquis Room 1078
-Sarah Kamens 2 – 3 pm, Marriott Marquis (hospitality suite # TBA): Division 32. Task Force on Hate Incidents
-Andrew Phelps and Jancis Long 2:00 – 3:30 – Roundtable on Imagination and Denial in Mental Health Advocacy; Division 48 suite
-Invited Address: Medea Benjamin in Conversation with Marc Pilisuk and Gordon Lee4 – 5:50 PM Moscone Center rooms 153 & 155
-Marc Pilisuk, PhD, Saybrook UniversityGordon Lee, PhD, Psychologists for Social ResponsibilityMedea Benjamin, MPH, MA, Code Pink, San Francisco, CA
-Div 48 and Psychologists for Social Responsibility Social Hour Honoring Scholars and Activists 7 – 9 PM SAYBROOK UNIVERSITY in Oakland, CA
-With Tapas Buffet; Saybrook University, 475 14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612 on the 9th floor. Look for directions and transportation assistance in Division 48 Suite.
Saturday, 8/11
-Ian Hanson 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM Moscone Center Rooms 310 and 311 Symposium: Islamophobia Is a Con
Cochair: Nader Hakim |
Cochair: Alice LoCicero |
Participant/1stAuthor: Hana Masud Co-Author: Bradley Olson, Ericka Mingo Parallels Between the War on Terror and the War on Drugs |
Participant/1stAuthor: Nader Hakim Distinguishing “Moderate” Versus “Radical” Islam Surprisingly Predicts Hawkish Counterterrorist Policies |
Participant/1stAuthor: Ericka Mingo Co-Author: Ian G. Hansen Islamophobia, Discontinued 9/11 Investigations, Torture, and the Invasion of Iraq |
Participant/1stAuthor: Alice LoCicero Professionals and Countering Violent Extremism: Help, Enforcement, or Colonialism? |
Discussant: Ericka Mingo |
Discussant: Bradley Olson |
-Symposium: Women Building Peace 9 – 9:50 AM MOSCONE CENTER, ROOM 2000 Cochair: Marc Pilisuk, PhD, Saybrook University; Gianina Pellegrini, PhD, Saybrook University Participant/1st Author: Cecilia A. Yocum, PhD, Peacebuilding en las Americas, Tampa, FL Title: Grassroots Peace Work of Women Activists in Honduras
-Gianina Pellegrini, PhD Title: Liberian Women’s Role in Resolving Conflict and Sustaining Peace Discussant: Steven E. Handwerker, PhD, International Association for the Advancement of Human Welfare, South Burlington, VT
-Margaret “Molly” Merson 11:00 AM Division 32 suite: “The Whiteness Taboo: Three Psychoanalytic Candidates Interrogate Whiteness and its Seduction in Psychoanalytic History and Contemporary Practice”
-Racial Justice Action Group and Global Psychosocial Network Discussion noon-2 PM PsySR Suite
-Todd Sloan Facilitating; 2:10 – 4 PM Peace Psychology Hospitality SuiteScholar-Activists: A Dialogue on Challenges and Possibilities
-Sarah Kamens 4 – 5:50 pm,Moscone Center/Room 158 Upper Mezzanine-South Building: Interdivisional symposium. “Diagnosing Diagnosis—Social Justice and Diversity” Discussion will focus on a new movement to reconceptualize mental distress using person-centered, multicultural, and social-justice approaches.
-Alice LoCicero, PhD, ABPP; Dan G. Aalbers, MA 4 – 5:50 PM Moscone Center, 2011:Symposium: Psychological Ethics After Hoffman—Can Our Ethics Code Accommodate Operational Psychology?
-Rebecca Gordon, PhD, Title: The APA Still Faces Some Important Ethical Questions
-Dan G. Aalbers, MA; Title: Spycraft and Psychology: Oil and Water
-Stephen M. Soldz, PhD, Independent Practice, Roslindale, MA; Title: Ethical Issues in Operational Psychology
-Phillip Cushman, PhD, Antioch University Seattle; Title: Challenges, Solutions, and Pitfalls: Life After the Hoffman Report
-Alice LoCicero, PhD, ABPP; Title: The Slippery Slope to Harm
Sunday, 8/12
-Nahid Aziz 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM Moscone Center Room 159 Symposium: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Racism, Activism,Assessment, and Healing Presentation Title: The Lived Experiences of Muslim Women to the Recent Rise of
-Islamophobia—A Transnational Feminist PerspectiveSarah Kamens 10-11 am, Marriott Marquis (hospitality suite # TBA): “Diagnosing Diagnosis” Q&A + open meeting of the Division 32 Task Force on Humanistic Approaches to Psychological Diagnosis.
This hospitality suite hour will be dedicated to open discussion and Q&A following the “Diagnosing Diagnosis” symposium
Leaders of the American Psychological Association are meeting this week to vote on the New Business Item 35B resolution that would allow military psychologists to return to Guantanamo. IT IS CRUCIAL that we make our opposition to this action known and have our voices heard by being present to let the APA know we will not abide by these cruel practices.
Represent PsySR and join us in making our statement by ordering the GUANTANANO t-shirt!
This shirt means No Guantanamo, the detention site needs to be shut down. It represents that APA’s is once again attempting to get psychologists back in Guantanamo. There is only one response, Guantanamo No! If you are attending the APA Convention and want your position to be known, we can arrange for you to pick the shirt up Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, particularly if you want to show your presence at the Council meeting where this vote will occur.
If you want to order it and have it sent to your home, you can choose that. It is $20.00 or if you choose to renew or become a new member of PsysR, the shirt is free. If a sliding scale is super helpful, let us know.
email with your name, shirt size(s) and quantity if you would like delivery at the APA convention (shirts will be in PsySR suite)
Friday Evening-August 10
If you are in need of transportation from the Moscone Center to Saybrook University on Friday evening look no further! PsySR has arranged for bus transportation leaving the center immediately following Medea Benjamim’s address (6pm) and arriving at Saybrook University for the evening’s presentations (7pm).
Please be sure to check in at the PsySR suite at the Marriot Marquis prior to Friday to ensure you have all the details.